For the 5th consecutive year, a group of organisations and research bodies in the European audiovisual sector are putting the spotlight on the place of women in audiovisual production. Their objective is to keep monitoring the evolution of the presence of women on and off European screens, maintain the topic of gender equality firmly on the audiovisual industry agenda, and to keep advocating for relevant and efficient actions.
The fifth edition of the initiative, organised on 10 December by EWA Network, EURO-MEI and EFAD in partnership with Cineuropa, will monitor the evolution of the presence of women in the film industry.
The Head of Department for Markets Information, Gilles Fontaine, will give a presentation about "Female professionals in European Film, TV and SVOD Production", at 1.15pm.
This online event is organised by the European Women’s Audiovisual Network, UNI Europa - Media, Entertainment & Arts, and the European Film Agency Directors Association (EFAD) in partnership with the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the Federation of European Screen Directors (FERA), the Lab Femmes de Cinema, the European Audiovisual Observatory, and Cineuropa.
During the webinar we will give a platform to the latest reports of the European Audiovisual Observatory and the Lab Femmes de Cinéma. We will also hear from Emma Rafowicz, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education and Member of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. We will finally invite sector representatives to give their perspective on the state-of-play and make recommendations for actions going ahead.
Register to participate here.
The full programme is as follows:
13:00 Welcome and presentation of the webinar;
13:05 Opening words by Emma Rafowicz, Member of the European Parliament, S&D Group, France, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education, and Member of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality;
13:15 Female professionals in European Film, TV and SVoD Production. The most recent statistics from the European Audiovisual Observatory (Gilles Fontaine, head of the Department for Market Information);
13:35 The 2024 edition of the qualitative study of the Lab Femmes de Cinéma on the existing measures and policies to promote parity in cinema in Europe (Fabienne Silvestre, co-founder and director, and Lise Perottet, general coordinator);
13:55 Can we evaluate the impact of equality strategies? Insights from two European countries;
14:10 Gender equality in the European audiovisual sector: should we be happy with the direction of travel? How do we understand the state of play? Any lessons learned for future actions? (Alexia Muiños Ruiz, director, EWA network; Pauline Durand-Vialle, CEO, FERA; Daphné Tepper, policy director, EURO-MEI; speaker tbc, FIA);
14:30 End