SEE Cinema - Regional Movie Database and film professionals’ social network

SEE Cinema, regional most detailed, popular and trustful source for Balkan films and TV content. Useful tool for film professionals containing social network for easier communication between them. At the moment we develop a Regional VOD platform for online distribution and promotion of features, short films and documentaries, which will be a part of “”.

Supported by Euroimages in 2013 for developing data base for films and professionals from SEE Region.

SEE Cinema offers:


Latest insights about the film industry from Southeast Europe, information updated daily including latest news, releases, festivals, workshops, submissions, box office, funding, industry reports and much more.


Full film reviews from acclaimed critics.


Southeastern film professionals tell us about their latest and upcoming projects.

Video on Demand

from October 2016.

Country profiles

Information on the film industry in each of the 13 countries including national film institutes, permits, rules & regulations, incentives, co-production treaties, sales and more.


A complete database for all films, film authors and filmmakers from all the 13 countries in the Balkan region. Currently, our data base contains: *3.000 Film Companies; *More than 1.000 festivals; *20.000 film workers; *Over 2.500 film titles.

Advertising on SEE Cinema

Covers unique news, information, special territory focuses and features, from films produced in Southeast Europe with over 20.000 different users. You can advertise on any of the banners on the homepage in all languages in Southeast Europe. Rates for advertising on the website are subject to availability and duration of ads. We would be pleased to discuss your requirements. For further information please contact:

Our team:

Editor-in-chief: Srebra Gjorgjijevska

Editor: Marina Lazarevska

Database coordinator: Verce Gjozeva

Correspondents: Kosta Dupcinov

Web maintenance: Stefan Spirovski

With the support of the Eurimages Fund of the Council of Europe

Video Trailer

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Deadline for Festivals
Festivals this month